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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mobile Love

Chesley LOVES her new mobile. I only wish the music and rotation lasted longer- she would stare at it talking and kicking for hours if it did!

Thanks David and Shannon Blanks for one of my favorite gowns- it finally fits and is precious!

Her best friends...

Had to include this picture of Miss Chesley licking her pillow during some tummy time, by the time I pick her up the thing is soaked! Not very lady like but so cute!
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Sheridan Shumpert said...

These pictures are too cute! That first smile takes so long, but is so worth the effort. Hope you are going to continue your blog once you move to Jackson, for those of us who will still be following Miss Chesley online!

The Menetres said...

Is this a new mobile? You know George really digs your old mobile!! :)

The Segrest Family said...

SO CUTE! i love those toothless smiles on itty bitty babes!!! she is a doll - can't wait to meet her in person!
and the birth announcement was ABSOLUTELY beautiful!!!!!!!!! what great pictures.