Last Saturday Gammy had Pops' family over to her house to do Terry Family Christmas. I took Chesley over for lunch. Pops, aka Mr. Ronnie's, daughter Courtney and her husband Kirk were there with their twin daughters, Sharlee and Savannah. Pictures ensued, Pops was overrun with small, screaming, females-and Chesley. She was playing the cool cucumber for picture time, on spite of Sharlee and Savannah's attempt to get her up to their excitment level. But Courtney managed to bring Gammy, Pops, and me up a notch or two when she announced they are expecting again! Baby due this summer, gender unknown but there is ONLY ONE for sure this time. I told Courtney she would think one newborn was the easiest thing in the world after twins-although she does still have the girls to contend with AND a newborn, so... We couldn't be more excited for them, and although Kirk is one of the best girl daddies ever- I'm rooting for a boy this time, he needs an ally in that house. He's holding his own for now but the estrogen levels could get toxic when the teenage years roll around! Good luck to yall and we can't wait to meet Baby Shumpert #3!

They are in fact hugging her, although it looks more like they are trying to each get one half of her for their own!
They are in fact hugging her, although it looks more like they are trying to each get one half of her for their own!
Chesley looks a bit dazed by all the attention, but don't let her fool you-she's used to it, she was just taking it all in.
Here the girls are holding the sonogram pic of Baby Shumpert, while Pops tries to figure out what one more grandchild will mean when he's already being taken over as it is!
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