Percy's sister, Casey, and her husband, Buck, had Chesley come spend the night with them at their house in Walnut Grove. I am pretty sure she was in heaven. I mean, look at this child...

Aunt Woo Woo set up a slip and slide for Chesley to play on but I hadn't packed a swimsuit so she just put her in a t-shirt and panties. Well, that was not ok with Miss Priss. She told Woo Woo she could NOT get her bulldog shirt wet! So Casey told her that was fine just take it off. This was music to her ears, she doesn't have much experience running around naked, (I'm sure it's called necked when you're having that much fun!), outside, but she seems to have taken to it pretty quickly.
But wasn't this us just a few years ago??
That slip 'n slide looks a little fancier than the ones we used to destroy the grass between our houses, but yeah pretty much!
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