Chesley Ticker

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Friday, January 22, 2010


Chesley's walk still resembles Frankenstein, slightly, but she's doing pretty good!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Birthday Party!

We had Chesley's first birthday party last Sunday afternoon. Since it was one year olds I didn't really go crazy- I mean they are mesmorized with wrapping paper you know? So I got some little toys and whistles and hats etc from Party City, pulled out the obscene amount of toys my child has since Christmas tripled her total number, got a cake from Dream Cakes, and made some snacks and goodies. Voila! A party is born. I had a blast and I am positive the birthday girl did too, because she was whooped that night! All the kids just played around on the ground and in the fold up tunnel my mom brought-Toys R Us cheap and offer hours of entertainment! My mom almost got stuck in it but Pruet and Beckett flew in and out of it like pros! Thanks so much to everyone who braved the freezing temps to come! I tried to take pictures of all the kids there but I know I missed a couple, sorry! Also thanks to Mom and Gammy for all their help!

The smash cake.
Chesley was having so much fun playing with all her friends that I hated to strap her into her high chair and strip her down to play with her cake. Especially since I knew she was just going to play with it-not eat it since she doesn't seem to like anything sweet. So Percy and I gave it to her after supper that night, and she did just smash it and lick a little icing but mostly just played with it.
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I went to Party City and got some decorations to liven up the joint, but I forgot to take pictures of everything until that night after all the food and cakes and stuff were cleaned up! Whoops-well here's what I did get!

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I got this really funny/cute Happy Birthday hat and couldn't ever get a good picture of her wearing it! This was the best I got!

Sweet Causey put up with all this little babies so well all afternoon long! She was the big girl on deck!
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Singing Happy Birthday

Had a little trouble getting a good family pic...

One third of the family was a little hyped up!
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She loves her Daddy!

And he's pretty smitten too!
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If I had to guess I would say she is pointing at a light and saying, "Deer!" Bc we taught her to say it at the Point and the deer are hanging on the wall up by the lights so now anything hanging from the wall or ceiling and any and all lights are DEER!

"Why did everyone stop singing for me?"

Not a very nice face for your Aunt Alex, Chesley!
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We were so glad Aunt BB was able to make it for the party!

"BB, what's this thing on my head?"

Aunt BB used to be a BIG fan of hats and crowns so if anyone can teach my child to love them it's her Aunt BB!

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Causey used to be scared of Percy and wanted nothing to do with him, then one day she decided he was the funniest thing ever. Sometimes it still takes a second for her to warm up to him-but she's a fan now!

Wonder where her mama was while my husband flung her child into the air?
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Mollie Walker McLemore brought 9 week old Stella Cate over for us all to meet--absolutely precious! Can't believe Chesley was that small a year ago!

Bailey Bryant is on the move!

And I was in his way, he had somewhere to be now that he has mastered crawling!
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Causey was in the chair and told Mac he could sit with her, (this is for real-not me making it up)...

He kinda starts fussing at her when he can't get comfy, and she looks at him and says, "It's just me, Causey," well that wasn't quite enough to make him happy-he apparently didn't really want to sit with a girl!

Causey was sad he didn't like sitting with her.

But not as sad as Mac!
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He's trying to decide what to do next...

he decides Porter Meeks needs one of his fabulous hugs!

And it looks like Porter liked that idea too!

Lauren and Haaga, each left one kiddo at home and came out in the freezing cold with the other for my girl's big day!

I bought some masks and hats for the kids to play with...looks like the adults liked them too-you're funny Dad.

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Causey giving the birthday girl a kiss bye bye, so sweet.

And she's being sweet to me too-notice the bag of cookies I've just bribed her with...

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Giving the horsey a kiss, but his kisses come with a loud AAAGh! So they're still manly kisses!
Pruet has some kind of allergy thing kicking-it happened at the Point too, his cheeks turn neon pink and his legs too. His legs get kind of hot so Hillary jut pulls his britches off and he's happy--just wanted to explain why Pruet was running around with no pants!

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