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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Circus 2010

We went to the circus with Hillary, Chesley, and Pruet. Pruet, the non-stop moving machine, was absolutely taken with the circus. He sat motionless and watched every second. My child, on the other hand, might as well have been a part of the show. When I sat her in her daddy's lap-she squirmed. When I sat her in my lap-she squirmed. When we sat her in her own seat-she stood up and turned all around trying to see what was happening in the nosebleed section. We later figured out that she couldn't see over the nice lady's hair in front of her seat, but by that point she was so wound up it was hopeless. We tried seating her with Pruet, the calm one, but she wanted to play and he said, "No Cheh-chee, go to Biz," which translated means, "No Chesley, go to your mama and leave me be." He didn't even like her sitting in Hillary's lap, (and I use the word 'lap' loosely as Hillary was 9 months pregnant at the time-love ya Tilly!), bc she squirmed and distracted him. Her daddy took her out twice and then they brought in some more animals and she was better. But when they were doing magic and what not-she could not have cared less. It was a good time all in all, and I think she will like it better next year but I'm not sure the male lion will make it till next year's show-he was ancient! Anyway, here are some pictures.

Totally rapt.

I think she was watching Pruet watching the circus.

She was totally into the clapping at the beginning.

In a circus coma.

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