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Friday, December 26, 2008


Well, it looks like this large child is comfortably ensconced in me and has no plans to leave anytime soon. I got to see my doctor today and he said he is less worried about the size of the baby than he is about how I am not dilated enough to be induced (he said 1/4 of a cm dilation). So he would rather give me more time to progress further on my own before inducing me. I am scheduled for an induction on January 5th, (Percy's sister's birthday- does a niece or nephew count as a good enough bday present, Casey!?), with the hopes that I will either go into labor on my own before that or at least progress further to the point that I am a better candidate for induction by then. So I am about to go walking up some inclines (Haaga's advice) and eat some mexican food (Amy M's advice) to try and get things moving- keep your fingers crossed for me!!


The Ueltschey's said...

Good luck...and hopefully that baby will want to come soon!! I think that it's a girl!

The Marlin's said...

You probably don't want to know what my advice is :) I think that its a boy!!! Love you

derek and brittney said...

Go mow the grass and then eat eggplant parmesan. Those are the two things i have heard work!

Jenny said...

i have some advice, but it's not appropriate for a family blog=) figure it out! can't wait to see percybethquinn--whoever he/she is!