Chesley Ticker

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Every year since we graduated, my college girlfriends and I go to Perdido/Orange Beach area for a girl's beach trip. So Percy and Chesley got to do a lot of father/daughter bonding!

I didn't even ask what she was wearing, but the title of this emailed picture was, "Good girls get ice cream for dessert." I couldn't agree more.

In this picture Daddy sent me Sunday morning he said she came in the den and told him she found her church shoes and was ready to go! They did go, but I'm pretty sure he changed the rest of her outfit as well-pretty sure.

Maybe Daddy was having pregnancy cravings for ice cream that weekend, not sure...

I guess this picture Percy sent me was supposed to make up for all the ice cream pictures.

Chesley spent Monday night with my parents because Percy had to head back out of town for work. I taught Chesley to say, "Annie, I need a pool," every chance she gets but she added something to the end after her trip to Walnut Grove with Percy's sister and now says, "Annie, I need a pool and a swip'n'swide, pwease." So Annie got her a slip'n'slide. I was really hoping for the pool but...

I don't know if there was enough of a decline for much sliding but she loved playing in the water!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Last Day of Swim Lessons

William and Lindsey had to go to Dallas for the second week of our two week swim lesson course, so William wasn't there for the picture I took the last day, but he was a fish just like his cousins for sure! Swim lessons were an adventure for sure. The adventure started with me trying to find a swimsuit to put on my 32 week pregnant self that not only fit but that my flailing two year old might not pull down every two seconds. Once that mission was accomplished, (sorry no pics!), we just had to make it there by 9 am. Once there, the real adventure began. Chesley loved the swimming part of it, she loved that her cousins and Hillary and Lindsey were there, she loved that her Gammy, Annie, Woo Woo, and Grandy all came to watch her on different days, she loved splashing everyone and throwing toys in the water from the side. She did not always love Mrs. Wu, aka Mrs. Lu. I would wonder if Mrs. Lu was at the parting of the Red Sea except for the fact that if she had been she would have just thrown the non-swimmers in the water, told them to hold their breath and pushed them across to 'bump' the other side-- in other words Moses wouldn't have needed to bother with all that parting business bc Lu could have taught them all to swim across the darn thing! She is one tough cookie, and she has to be to be able to put up with all the screaming and whining that comes her way- it doesn't seem to phase her. She told me one time that she really doesn't even hear it anymore. Chesley alternately liked and disliked Mrs. Wu depending on whose face she was putting in the water at the time. If it was Chesley's face she did not, in fact, care for Mrs. Wu and would tell her so. Pruet told Hillary he wanted to go swimming at the lake for Memorial day as long as Mrs. Lu wasn't there. But Mrs. Lu taught me what to do to practice with Chesley, taught Chesley where to go if she fell in, how to hold her breath (that one she teaches them pretty much by showing them how not fun it is to not hold your breath), and at the end I may not have left with a two year old who could join the swim team but I did leave with our bases covered, everything I needed to know to practice with her, a promise that sooner rather than later it would all click, and a child who still wanted to go swimming every day.

The first few times I took her swimming myself she wanted nothing to do with practicing or putting her face in the water. Then the next few times she was willing to practice a 'whittle bit mama, just a whittle.' And by the end of the first two weeks post Mrs. Wu I have a child who can swim without any flotation device as far as one breath will carry her. She still doesn't really swim on the very top of the water, so she isn't quite strong enough to get her head out and take a breath to keep going but if she has her safety seal (a body floatie thingy) on she can swim all day long with her face in bc she knows how to take a breath she just isn't strong enough to do it on her own yet. But I have a child who will jump off the side and swim to me, who will go down the slide at the country club (pictures coming soon) and who will jump off the diving board at the country club and swim to the ladder all by herself! In other words, I have a child who LOVES to swim, has no fear of it, but knows what she can and can't do with and without Mama. And I have Mrs. Wu to thank for that. She told us what to do, we did it, and I can't wait to see what kind of swimmer I will have on my hands by the end of this summer. Thanks Mrs. Lu!!

Mrs. Lu gives them cookies on the last day, looks like they must have been pretty tasty!

I'm pretty sure I made Hillary get in this picture just to hold their hands/cookies down so maybe they would look at the camera and smile-- Tilly gave me a big smile!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Skyping with Dada

Percy was out of town for two weeks recently and we did a lot of Skyping with Daddy.

She woke up from her nap almost everyday asking to talk on the 'pooter to Dada!

Little Vanna White action.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Not yet Baby Girl, not yet!

She wouldn't come in from the car one day when I was letting her do her new favorite thing, getting out by herself and closing the door all by herself. So when I went looking for her this is what I found. No it wasn't cranked, yes the keys were in the ignititon, I know I know I know.

Monday, May 16, 2011

First Haircut, kinda...

The hair on top of Chesley's head is longer than the rest, like a lot. The hair on the back of her head grows in really tight adorable ringlets. When I pull the hair on top back into a ponytail holder it still hangs longer than the rest- it looks odd. So, one night I got Percy to distract her, Daddy's are good for that, and I got the kitchen scissors and clipped the offending 'longer than the rest' lock off. She never saw the scissors, never heard the word haircut, and never knew it happened. If you are familiar with my friend Harper and her precious 4 yr old Causey and her homemade haircut you will understand my trepidation at letting Chesley know that there is such a thing as cutting your hair. (Causey got out of her bed in the middle of the night and found her rounded end craft scissors and cut all her hair off, all over, put said hair in the kitchen garbage can and got back in bed, this is one of the things that now haunts my dreams. Causey is lucky bc she already looks like a little fairy so her new Tinkerbell haircut is not half bad- but I don't need Chesley chopping all her hair off and looking even more like her daddy!!) I decided this tiny little clip did constitute her first haircut so I saved it and documented it here for all eternity.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lu Lee Swimming

Mrs. Lu Lee taught me, Percy, and all of our sisters how to swim. And now it's Chesley's turn. This was her the morning of her first lesson. It was freezing outside, thus the pants. She was so excited and ready to go!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Miss Priss.

Chesley likes to holler for me to come and get her up from naps and in the morning. Someone really should teach her some manners. She doesn't hesitate to scream, "Mama, open my door, turn on my light and get me up!!" or "Mama, open door, turn on light, is Dada here?" or "Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama, MOMMY!!" So when I went to get her up one morning I was surprised to see that she had been screaming her lungs out at me from a prone position. Miss Priss was laid back, relaxing with her feet propped up waiting on Mama to hurry up. And this is at 2 years old.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm Mad.

I'm really glad that Moose on Nick Jr. takes the time to teach my child about emotions and how to tell when others are sad, happy, mad, etc. But I'm not sure what to do when Chesley pulls this face, crosses her arms and tells me, without my asking- "I'm mad, Mama." At this point I just tell her ok well I don't talk to people when they are mad so I'll talk to you when you're sweet and happy again. She usually comes around pretty quick but if this is a sign of a budding drama phase, I hope it passes quickly!

Sweet Girl

Chesley was playing outside one afternoon while I cooked supper, and she brought me a flower to put in my hair. I did, of course I did! How could I not?! My sweet girl.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


William, Pruet, and Chesley took gymnastics together, (which means Lindsey, Hillary, and I got a 30 minute cardio workout every Tuesday chasing them down!) They loved it, we may never watch them accept a medal at the Olympics-- but they loved it! And we loved Mrs. Amy, thanks for making it such a fun time!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dora is a Bulldog.

In case you ever wondered...

Dora is a Bulldog.

I found that horrific and so-terrible-I-knew-she-would-love-it-mask at Party City and included it in her Easter basket.

She loved it, Weeza was unsure.

It kind of freaked me out, but I got used to it.

I asked her what she was doing and she looked at me like I was kind of slow and said,"I'm sittin and thinkin, Mama." Oh well, excuse me.

Guess she's finished thinkin.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Easter 2011

Chesley had a BIG Easter this year. We had to wake her up really early so we could do the Easter bunny stuff before early church, (which our church only has on Easter so we don't usually have to get up so early for church, or anything that early!) Her Grandy had a fun surprise for her, he came really really early and put down bunny footprints in our driveway. It involved a stencil, an ice scoop, and several bags of flour. They were great! They were huge and she would stick her finger in it like it was fairy dust or something! They were so great that they almost--almost made up for the fact that he also brought a live rabbit. But he knew better so he claimed that Chesley's Uncle Buck sent it, (Buck's the one who bought her a pink bb gun for her birthday so I believed Grandy when he blamed Buck!) I had no intention of keeping a rabbit for my 2 year old and the newborn that's on it's way to enjoy so Percy found it a home that didn't involve a boiling pot of water... Thanks Grandy for the footprints, I'll let Chesley thank you for Peter. Yes she did name him Peter bc we have been reading Peter Rabbit and Peter Cottontail, plus her father named a pet goat Billy so really we shouldn't be surprised. Anyway, she liked the rabbit, liked looking at him and talking about him and holding him once or twice but that sucker had some sharp claws that didn't hurt but kinda scared you when you were holding it and they started moving 90 to nothing. So she didn't just have to hold him nonstop-thank goodness. Oh and sorry Uncle Buck for believing so easily that you would do such a thing but you are earning a rep with that pink gun...
After church we went to my parents and Percy's mom and Pops came over to watch Chesley hunt eggs. Then we ate and headed home for a long nap, did I mention we had to wake up really early?

Rise and Shine!!!

Chesley LOVED the bunny footprints!

My neighbor said her little girl was distraught that the Easter Bunny may not have come to their house bc she saw the footprints in our driveway but not hers!

Checking out what the Easter Bunny left and informing us that that pinwheel is a 'turnin wheel mama!'

My sweet girl.

Opening her annual outfit from Dada.

He did good!

Um, wait what is that...

That is a live rabbit, for now...

Yep, pet that bunny now baby girl- bc he will not be able to visit very long...

Putting our flowers in the flower cross at our church.

We weren't getting very good smiles out of Chesley, so Annie went and found something to help her smile...

Mom made this hat for some hat party she had one year and has miraculously saved it since.

This is her 'say cheese' face, it's not a very good smile but I promise she was a lot happier than it appears!

Finally a good one of Chesley and her Gammy and Pops.

My dad wanted us to take a picture of him in mom's hat to send to his mother, he just doesn't know I have also posted it on the www, but come on! That had to be preserved for posterity!

Chesley, inspecting the hunting grounds...

And she's off!

She's 2, ok? And 24 is a lot of eggs, so they weren't all in the most creative of hiding spots...

It was like a celebrity Easter egg hunt since I followed her with the video camera and Percy followed her with the still camera and Alex carried her basket for her since it was getting kinda heavy...