In spite of my impressive girth, this kid is not ready to make his or her exit yet. We went to the doctor today, still no progression and the baby hasn't dropped. This last bit of information will come as a surprise to the 7 people who told me I had dropped on Monday. Two separate Kroger employees came up to me, unsolicited, and said I looked like I had dropped and was about to have that baby right there! My alterations lady, who is Asian but I am not sure which country, told me in her very thick accent that in her country you were to try and hide a pregnant belly, but with the styles today there wasn't no hiding and I had dropped! A lady who came to install curtains in Chesley's new room who has given birth to five children naturally and has four grandkids told me I looked like I had dropped since she saw me last Friday. And my friend Tatum's mom, Hillary, and my mom. But the dude with the MD disagrees. So I am scheduled to go in on Tuesday, July 19th. If anyone knows a rain dance type thing that they can do to make this child come out please start shakin' a tail feather for me!
P.S. No, I am not wearing a body suit in this lovely belly pic, it's capri leggings and a tunic top that I have pulled back so you can fully appreciate the profile view.
can't believe it's already time for baby Q to be born!! you look fantastic! your belly is the only thing that looks preggo!!! thinking about you!
you look amazing. glad we got to visit Saturday!
You look precious and glowing! Can't wait!
That last comment was from Maureen. I forgot I signed in as Mom to comment on Candice's blog.
You looked so good! I am jealous! What is your secret. Are you one of "those" who had the energy to work out during pregnancy? I still have what seems like forever and I am obese.
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